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Newsletter, July 2022

Welcome to the 9th issue of Perth & Kinross Music Foundation’s 6 monthly Newsletter.  

The Trustees hope that you and your families are all well, and have steered clear of the dreaded Covid over the last few months as life has started to get back to something more like normal?

In this issue, we bring you up to date with what we have been up to over the last 6 months, and also give you some information on what we plan to do in the future.  

What have we been up to over the last 6 months?

As was set out in our last newletter, the Scottish Government policy change with regard to free music tuition in state schools which was announced last summer, changed how the charity would have to operate given that we were set up to provide funds for music tuiton fees (and associated costs) which financially challenged families had difficualty in paying.

Since the the Scottish Government announcement last year, the Trustees have continued to support the Instrumental Music Service, whilst remaining within the terms of our OSCR approved constitution.  To that end, we agreed with Allan Young (IMS Co-ordinator) to make available a grant to his service of up to £20,000 to be spent on additional instruments, equipment, and other resources on order to support the team’s efforts to re-estabish the level of service that they provide to pre-pandemic levels, and thus to encourage more young people to want to learn to play a musical instrument…